Wednesday, May 20, 2009


This blog is in reference to the Texting Module:

1.) I have only sent 2 text messages in my entire life. My teenage son helped me with the first one, and that was almost a year ago (I find the "lingo" thing very confusing!). The second time was just now, when I was practicing the iHCPL thing for this module.

2.) Now that I did a text message without the help of my son, yes I do think I could do it again. Now I figured out how to get regular alphabet instead of what the phone is "anticipating" I want to say. My son has a text message package on his cell phone, but I do not, so I get charged if I either text or receive. My son is the only person who ever texts me, except for the first message I ever sent in response to a friend, who was at a soccer game and couldn't hear to talk, so she texted me. I think texting would be useful in circumstances like this, as well as during an emergency.

I was really glad to get a text message from Nancy Rodriguez during Ike, as I was almost at the end of my cell phone minutes, with all of our friends and relatives trying to call and check on us!

3.) As I said previously, both of the text messages I've sent so far have been regular ones. Even though I now know how to text, I don't think I'll do it very often. I prefer to talk on my cell phone and don't want to get charged extra for texting. I don't think I'd use the function often enough to justify paying an extra charge for it.

4.) I use my own abbreviations (easy things like "r" and "U") instead of the lingo. I would like to spend some time on my own studying the Lingo 2 Word so I could be more familiar with the terminology; the only one I know is "lol."

5.) I think people who text while they're driving are NUTS and should have their licenses suspended for a month or two to think about it!!!! I get especially upset when I see people doing this on the freeway, which I drive on frequently, while going at great speed. I try to stay away from them!

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